PET Participants

Preparing for your PET Scan

Notify the Investigator's Study Coordinator/Research Participant Screener if you:

  • Are pregnant or think you may be pregnant
  • Are breastfeeding

Positron emission tomography (PET) is a diagnostic procedure that uses radiopharmaceuticals to create images that characterize biological functions. The preparation instructions may vary depending on the type of PET scan that you are having. For example, research protocols may require participants not to have anything to eat or drink six hours prior to a PET scan.

PET Scan Process:

  • The entire PET scan procedure takes about 2-3 hours, but the actual PET imaging portion can take from 15 minutes to one hour depending on the research protocol requirements.
    • Upon arrival the participant will be asked to remove any metal-containing items, such as jewelry (including earrings and body piercings), hairpins, hearing aids, glasses, wigs with metal clips and nonpermanent dentures. Participants are encouraged to arrive at CSIC dressed comfortably with no metal in their clothing (elastic waist/drawstring pants and no underwire bras, etc.).
  • Most PET scans require a certain amount of uptake period or waiting period for the radiopharmaceutical to circulate and go to the region of interest. During this period, you will be in a private room and settled comfortably in a reclining chair. Some people who are cold natured may want to dress warmly and bring a sweater or light jacket (without metal) to stay comfortable. CSI staff will also provide warm blankets if requested to make you as comfortable as possible. During this uptake period it's very important to stay as still as possible for high quality images to be obtained. 
  • To begin the scan procedure, the technologist will insert an IV line in the arm of the participant.  The technologist will then inject a small amount of a radiopharmaceutical into the IV line.  This tracer will circulate for an hour to two hours prior to imaging. During this time the participant will be asked to rest quietly in the recliner. The participant will then be asked to lie on a table that passes slowly through the scanner. Once the scan is complete, the technologist will assist the participant with exiting the scanner.

Post PET Scan:

You may leave as soon as your scan is done, unless you have other tests or procedures scheduled. Participants are encouraged to drink a lot of fluids to help remove the tracer from the body. 

Participants will not receive documentation or dictations of the research PET scan. Participants should contact the research study coordinator to obtain a copy of your images. An Unanticipated Findings Report is required to be completed by the reserach study Principle Investigator and the CSIC Medical Director if any abnormalities are found during the PET scan. Participants will be notified and provided further information and referred to their own physician, or a physician of their choosing.