Zeiss Observer A1

The Zeiss Observer A1 is equipped for fluorescence, bright field (phase) and color bright field imaging with a 5 megapixel color camera.

Book me about Zeiss Observer A1

The Zeiss Observer.A1 is designed for multichannel fluorescence, bright field/phase, and color bright field imaging. This widefield microscope has a color camera for histological stains. The filter turret can detect a variety of fluorophores (DAPI, CFP, GFP, Rhodamine, Cy5).

  • Modalities: fluorescence, phase, bright field, color bright field (IHC)
  • DAPI, CFP, GFP, Rhodamine, Cy5 filter cubes



Check fluorophore compatibility at FPbase!


ZEISS AxioCam 305, a fast 5 megapixel CMOS color camera

Acquisition Software


  • Not automated in any way
  • Low resolution imaging only (up to 40x/0.75NA)
Primary Contact

 Austin Worden, PhD  aworden@emory.edu