
The Biostatistics Collaboration Core team of experts are here to help you with your data management and statistical analysis needs. Please reach out with any questions or to initiate a collaboration.

The Biostatistics Collaboration Core (BCC) is housed in the Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics in the Rollins School of Public Health of Emory University.  BCC team members include faculty, staff and students from that Department.

The BCC offers comprehensive statistical and bioinformatics collaboration services to faculty, staff, and students at Rollins, other divisions of the Woodruff Health Sciences Center, and throughout Emory University. BCC personnel are available for discussion at all stages of research, including: preparation of grants and contracts, assistance in analyzing and presenting research data, and statistical review of manuscripts in the publication process.

The BCC has access to a broad range of computer hardware and software and personnel with expertise in using major statistical, graphics, and data management packages. While our primary interest is in assuring the appropriate use of statistical methodology in research, the BCC offers a complete range of services from database development, implementation, and maintenance to production of publication-quality graphic and tabular material to support the presentation and publication of research results.

BCC tasks are classified into short-term tasks that can be completed within three to six months (start to finish) with clear deliverables.  Each task has a fixed cost based on typical time and effort associated with the task.

For more detailed information about services provided by the BCC, please click on the 'Services' link at the top of this page.

Obtaining biostatistical advice early on in a project can often improve the chances of  meeting study objectives. While the BCC will work on analyses of already-collected data, we encourage investigators to connect with the BCC during the planning stage of a study, before data collection. Researchers who are interested in initiating a collaboration with the BCC should send a request to bcc@emory.edu


"Core team members have a wealth of experience collaborating with researchers from across Emory University, Emory Healthcare and Georgia CTSA partners; our mission, as collaborative biostatisticians, is to assist our partners in ensuring that study designs and statistical analyses are developed, implemented and reported rigorously."

Azhar Nizam, M.S.

Core Leadership

The BCC Director, Azhar Nizam brings together the appropriate personnel for the scope and content of each project, oversees project teams and also works on project teams.

Azhar Nizam, MS

Biostatistics Collaboration Core



Azhar Nizam has worked as a Senior Associate Faculty member in the Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics since 1988. He has worked a collaborative biostatistician on numerous NIH-funded studies, including clinical / interventional trials in ophthalmology, neurology, environmental health and family planning, and observational studies focused on cholera and tuberculosis. He has worked in the area of mathematical modeling of infectious disease outbreaks.  He has served as the Director or Associate Director of Statistical and Data Management Centers for large studies, and has also served as the Principal Investigator and lead biostatistician.

In addition to his role as a collaborative biostatistician, Mr. Nizam is part of the teaching faculty in his department. He has taught numerous classes in introductory biostatistics, both on-campus and to overseas students enrolled in Fogarty training programs.  He was awarded the Rollins School of Public Health Professor of the Year Award in 1991, 1992, 2000 and 2017, and Emory University's Crystal Apple Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2002.


Robert Krafty, PhD

Associate Director
Biostatistics Collaboration Core



Dr. Robert T. Krafty is Rollins Distinguished Professor and Chair of the Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics in the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University. Previously, he held faculty appointments at the University of Pittsburgh and at Temple University. Dr. Krafty has collaborated with transdisciplinary teams across a multitude of clinical and biological areas, and has designed and served as lead statistician on 20 federally funded projects. He has particular expertise in the analysis of complex, high-dimensional, longitudinal and time series data, and in the intersection between mental, behavioral and physical health.   

Core Team

On each project BCC team may include any combination of the following personnel: faculty biostatisticians, staff biostatisticians, database managers, programmers and graduate students.

Ammar Rashied, MS

Biostatistics Collaboration Core


Ammar Rashied is the newest staff member in the BCC. Mr. Rashied has a MS in Financial Statistics from the University of Chicago, and previously worked as a Data Scientist at that U Chicago's School of Medicine.