Major Services
EIPC provides protein analytical services using cutting-edge mass spectrometry (MS). Our major services include • Protein identification (in-gel or in-solution digestion) • Interactome analysis (on-bead digestion) • Post-translational modifications (PTM) • Isobaric (TMT) and Label-free quantification • Bioinformatic analysis support (additional charge may apply).

Mass Spectrometers
The proteomic platform of EIPC relies on LC-MS/MS to analyze peptide mixtures of single proteins as well as more complex proteomes captured from cells and tissues. The sensitivity and high throughput of the LC-MS/MS system is pivotal to proteomic analyses. Instruments that are currently available in EIPC include • Q-Exactive (QE) Plus • Q-Exactive (QE) HF-X • Orbitrap Fusion.