
Our resources at IEMC are here to help you:

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  • Write a grant or paper
  • Learn about policies for accessing our microscopes

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Our range of electron microscopes and ancillary equipment includes:

Cherry L. Emerson Site

  • JEOL JEM-2200FS 200kv Field Emission TEM with a DE-20 and a K2 direct electron detectors, both Zernike and whole-free phase plates, in-column energy filter (Omega filter), and Gatan 914 cryo holders for tilt series acquisition
  • JEOL JEM-1400 120 kV LaB6TEM with Gatan CCD camera. Gatan 626 cryo holders are available for the collection of cryo-EM and cryo-ET data. A Fischione Dual-Axis holder allows for collecting dual-axis tomography data at room temperature
  • Hitachi HT-7700 120 kV W (Tungsten) TEM with AMT CCD camera
  • JEOL JSM-IT700HR Field Emission SEM fitted with a JEOL JED-2300 Dry SDD EDS detector for elemental analysis using Energy-Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS)
  • Vitrobot Mark IV for the preparation of cryo-TEM samples
  • RMC BAL-TEC HPM 010 High-Pressure Freezing machine
  • Leica AFS cryo-substitution apparatus
  • Polaron CPD and EMS K850 CPD critical point dryers
  • EMSCOPE SC-500 Magnetron Sputter system with a gold target
  • Denton Benchtop Turbo Carbon Evaporator
  • Leica UC6rt and Ultracut S Ultramicrotomes
  • RMC PT-XL Ultramicrotome
  • Leica UC6i/FC6 Cryo-Ultramicrotome
  • Coming in 2024: ThermoFisher Helios 5 Hydra CX Focused Ion Beam-Scanning Electron Microscope with a Delmic METEOR integrated Fluorescent Light Microscope (iFLM) for Correlated Light and Electron Microscopy

Biochemistry Connector Site

  • FEI Talos Arctica 200 KV (TEM) with BioQuantum/K3 direct electron detector
  • FEI Talos 120 KV (TEM) with LaB6 and 4k Ceta detector
  • CP3 Plunger- Gentle blot (Model 930) for the preparation of cryo-TEM samples
  • Vitrobot Mark IV for the preparation of cryo-TEM samples
  • Gatan 655 Dry Pumping Station for Cryo Holders (Gatan 70 Degree Cryo-transfer Holder)
  • Denton Carbon Evaporator (Benchtop turbo)
  • Solarus Plasma Cleaning System (Model 950)
  • Pelco Easy glow, glow discharger
  • Glacier HPC system (Computation Cluster: 3 GPU nodes and 4 CPU nodes)

IEMC Instrumentation - Cherry L. Emerson Site - Microscopes

JEOL JEM-2200FS 200 kV TEM

Cherry Logan Emerson Hall. Suite E117

  • The JEOL JEM-2200FS 200kV Field Emission TEM has two direct electron detectors, a Direct Electron DE-20 and a Gatan K2.
  • Images can be acquired with improved contrast by the use of Zernike or hole-free phase plates.
  • An in-column energy filter (Omega filter) is specially important for high-resolution cryo-electron tomography and cryo-electron microscopy of thick samples.
  • SerialEM software is available for semi-automated acquisition of cryo-EM, cryo-ET, and microcrystal electron difraction data.
  • Two Gatan 914 cryo holders are available for tilt series acquisition and imaging of cryo-TEM specimens.

Please contact IEMC ( to request training or use the link below to book this instrument.

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JEOL JEM-1400 120 kV TEM

Cherry Logan Emerson Hall. Suite E111

  • The JEOL JEM-1400 120 kV LaB6TEM is equipped with a Gatan, 2k x 2k, CCD camera.
  • There are two Gatan 626 cryo holders available for acquisition of cryo-TEM data.
  • The JEOL JEM-1400 is capable of several modes of TEM, including tomography of sectioned materials, cryo-TEM, and room temperature TEM.
  • Semi-automated data acquisition using Serial EM is available for testing cryo-TEM grids, and a Minimum Dose System (MDS) funtion allows for imaging of beam-sensitive samples.
  • The beam blocker allows for electron diffraction experiments.

Please contact IEMC ( to request training or use the link below to book this instrument.

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Hitachi HT7700 120 kV TEM

Cherry Logan Emerson Hall. Suite E116

  • The Hitachi HT7700 TEM has a Tungsten filament and it is used for imaging biological and materials samples.
  • It is equipped with an AMT CCD camera.
  • This instrument is capable of tilt imaging with a motorized goniometer which allows +/- 70° sample tilting.

Please contact IEMC ( to request training or use the link below to book this instrument.

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Leica DM6 FS cryo-CLEM fluorescence microscope

Cherry Logan Emerson Hall. Suite E115

  • The Leica Cryo-CLEM system for Correlated Light and Electron Microscopy (CLEM) is a cryo fluorescence microscope which allows the observation of frozen-hydrated samples from viruses to cells on cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) grids.
  • Data acquisition on this instrument permits mapping of cryo-EM grids and transferring of coordinates to a transmission electron microscope for further, high-resolution, data collection with an automated system such as Serial EM.

Please contact IEMC ( to request training or to schedule data acquisition on this instrument.


Cherry Logan Emerson Hall. Suite E115

  • The JEOL JSM-IT700HR is an analytical, high-resolution, field emission scanning electron microscope (SEM) capable of imaging under high and low vacuum conditions. It is used for imaging biological samples and materials.
  • It is equipped with both a secondary electron detector and a high-sensitivity, multi-segment, solid-state backscattered electron detector.
  • This instrument features a large analytical chamber and a fully embedded JEOL JED-2300 energy-dispersive micro-analysis system (EDS) with a silicon drift detector (SDD).

Please contact IEMC ( to request training or to schedule image acquisition on this instrument.

IEMC Instrumentation - Cherry L. Emerson Site - Sample Preparation Equipment

ThermoFisher Vitrobot Mark IV

Cherry Logan Emerson Hall. Suite 115

  • The ThermoFisher Vitrobot Mark IV is used for plunge freezing aqueous solutions, cell suspensions, and on-grid grown cells.
  • Vitrification can be done in liquid ethane, liquid propane, or an ethane/propane mix  to prepare samples for cryo-TEM or cryo-ET data acquisition.

Please contact IEMC ( to request training or use the link below to book this instrument.

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BAL-TEC HPM 010 High Pressure Freezing Machine

Cherry Logan Emerson Hall. Suite 115

  • This high pressure freezing machine is used to prepare frozen specimens, including thick samples, suspensions, and  monolayer cell cultures, without the need of cryoprotectants.
  • By measuring temperature and pressure in real time, this machine freezes samples with liquid nitrogen under high pressure to avoid the build up of ice crystals.
  • High pressure frozen samples can be used for downstream electron microscopy applications, or further processed by freeze substitution.

Please contact IEMC ( to request training or to schedule sample preparation with this instrument.

Leica EM AFS2 Freeze Substitution Apparatus

Cherry Logan Emerson Hall. Suite 115

  • This instrument allows for freeze substitution and progressive lowering of temperature (PLT) techniques.
  • It creates the appropriate environment for low temperature embedding and polymerization of resins.
  • The system is supported by a Leica EM FSP (freeze substitution processor), an automatic reagent handling system, which dispenses reagents for both freeze substitution and PLT applications.
  • There is LED illumination from within the chamber and a stereomicroscope for viewing and positioning of samples.

Please contact IEMC ( to request training or to schedule sample preparation with this instrument.

Microtomy Equipment

Cherry Logan Emerson Hall. Suites E109 and E115

  • Several ultramicrotomes are available for processing plastic-embedded samples for TEM applications including a Leica UC6rt, a Leica Ultracut S, and an RMC PowerTome PT-XL ultramicrotome.
  • A Leica UC6i/FC6 cryo-ultramicrotome is available to prepare biological specimens for cryo-electron microscopy of vitrified sections (CEMOVIS). In some cases, cryo-ultramicrotomy is used to process materials.
  • A number of diamond knifes for room temperature and cryo applications are used for block trimming, as well as semithin, and ultrathin sectioning, depending on the application and sample.

Please contact IEMC ( to schedule sample preparation with these instruments.

SEM Sample Preparation Equipment

Cherry Logan Emerson Hall. Suites 110 and 112

  • Several instruments are available for preparing samples for SEM applications including two sputter coaters for gold or gold/palladium coating and two critical point dryers (CPDs) to prepare biological samples and soft materials for SEM.
  • The EMSCOPE SC-500 Magnetron Sputter system is capable of depositing thin layers of gold onto various types of samples for SEM.
  • The Denton Desk II sputter coater has a gold/palladium target for the preparation of SEM samples.
  • The Polaron CPD can hold large samples or a large number of small samples for high-throughput preparation.
  • The EMS K850 CPD is capable of preparing samples using a variety of holder types including microscope slides.

Please contact IEMC ( to schedule sample preparation with these instruments.

Denton Benchtop Turbo Carbon/Gold Evaporator

Cherry Logan Emerson Hall. Suite E114

  • For the application of thin layers of carbon or gold on surfaces.
  • This instrument can be used to prepare samples for SEM imaging.
  • An Inficon SQM-160 rate/thickness monitor allows the application of thin and ultrathin layers of carbon or gold to specimen support grids or other support materials.

GloQube Glow Discharger

Cherry Logan Emerson Hall. Suite E114

  • This instrument is used for cleaning and glow discharging TEM grids, and modifying surfaces.
  • Various programs are available to generate specific conditions on the grid surface for various TEM applications.
  • Two-chamber system for separated in-air and in-vapor processing, without cross-contamination between chambers.
  • The second isolated chamber can be used to create more specialize conditions. With automatic vapor delivery, controlled amounts of chemical vapors can be incorporated in the plasma.

Imaging Data Processing and Analysis

Cherry Logan Emerson Hall. Suite E109

  • An iMac workstation is available for users to carry out image processing.
  • Through a direct connection with an SBGrid-supported, TensorEX, 4 GPU, Linux workstation, users can access structural biology processing software including single particle, tomography and x-ray crystallography applications.

IEMC Instrumentation - Biochemistry Connector Site - Microscopes

ThermoFisher Talos Arctica 200 kv TEM

Biochemistry Connector. Suite G239

  • The ThermoFisher Talos Arctica Field Emission TEM has a BioQuantum Gatan K3 direct electron detector.
  • Images are acquired using a Gatan Image Filter system (GIF) which is especially useful for high-resolution cryo-electron tomography, cryo-electron microscopy of thick samples, and to improve contrast on cryo-electron microscopy specimens.
  • This instrument is equipped with an autoloader system, capable of loading 12 samples at a time, which can be maintained under liquid nitrogen temperatures for easy sample exchanges.
  • Single particle data and tilt series acquisition are done using Serial EM. The ThermoFisher EPU software can also be used for the automated acquisition of single-particle cryo-EM data.

Please contact IEMC ( to request training or use the link below to book this instrument.

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ThermoFisher Talos L120C 120 kv TEM

Biochemistry Connector. Suite G239

  • The ThermoFisher Talos L120C, 120 kV, LaB6TEM is equipped with a 4k × 4K Ceta CMOS camera.
  • This instrument is capable of several modes of TEM, including cryo-TEM, and room-temperature TEM.
  • There are two Gatan cryo holders available for the acquisition of cryo-TEM data, a Gatan 626 and a Gatan ELSA holder.
  • Semi-automated data acquisition using Serial EM is available for testing cryo-TEM grids, and a Low Dose function allows for imaging of beam-sensitive samples.
  • The beam blocker allows for electron diffraction experiments.

Please contact IEMC ( to request training or use the link below to book this instrument.

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IEMC Instrumentation - Cherry L. Emerson Site - Sample Preparation Equipment

ThermoFisher Vitrobot Mark IV

Biochemistry Connector. Suite G236A

  • The ThermoFisher Vitrobot Mark IV is used for plunge freezing aqueous solutions, cell suspensions, and on-grid grown cells.
  • Vitrification can be done in liquid ethane, liquid propane, or an ethane/propane mix  to prepare samples for cryo-TEM or cryo-ET data acquisition.

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Gatan CP3 Plunger (Model 930)

Biochemistry Connector. Suite G236A

  • For plunge freezing aqueous solutions, cell suspensions, and on-grid grown cells.
  • Gentle blot for cryo grid preparations.
  • Vitrification can be done in liquid ethane, liquid propane, or an ethane/propane mix  to prepare samples for cryo-TEM or cryo-ET data acquisition.

Denton Benchtop Turbo Carbon Evaporator

Biochemistry Connector. Suite G236

  • This instrument allows the application of thin layers of carbon on surfaces.
  • This instrument can be used to apply carbon on plastic-coated TEM grids for negative staining applications.

Gatan Solarus Plasma Cleaning System (Model 950)

Biochemistry Connector. Suite G238

  • This instrument is used for cleaning and glow discharging TEM grids and holders.
  • Direct connection to Oxygen, Hydrogen, and Argon sources allows for the combination of these gases to generate surface conditions amenable for a variety of samples for TEM applications.

Pelco Easy Glow

Biochemistry Connector. Suite G238

  • This instrument is used for cleaning and glow discharging TEM grids.
  • Various programs are available to generate specific conditions on the grid surface for various TEM applications.

Imaging Data Processing and Analysis

Biochemistry Connector. Suite G236

  • An SBGrid-supported, TensorEX, 4 GPU (NVIDIA RTX A6000, 48GB GDDR6), Linux workstation is available to IEMC users.
  • Structural biology processing software includes single particle, tomography and x-ray crystallography applications.