A knowledge base that answers frequently asked questions by our users, collaborators, and research participants. Please browse the side menu for more FAQ topics.

General Questions

Please refer to our Application Process and Forms page for information about how to start this process and required documentation needed.

As a research core, CSIC is NOT a HIPPA compliant center. However, CSIC values research participant privacy and follows Emory University Hospital's HIPPA protocol by NOT keeping Protected Health Information (PHI) in shared data archive systems. PHI is not saved in the MR/PET/CT images. The personal information for study participants is confidential and is only retained by the Principle Investigator's study group.

CSIC does not archive, sort, analyze, or distribute PHI to any entities, including the research teams collaborating with us.

CSIC does not document, store, or release any personal information such as name, age, birth date, gender, address, etc. De-identified images may be distributed and shared for different research projects upon the consent term.