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Quantitative proteomics can be categorized into two major approaches, i) the use of exogenous labeling and ii) label-free quantification (LFQ).

Common labeling technique involves modifying peptides with isobaric tags (TMT). Quantification is performed by comparing the signal ratios of unlabeled versus labeled peptides.

For label-free approaches, protein/peptide quantification can be achieved based on peptide ion intensities, or the total number of peptide spectral counts. The advantages and disadvantages of these two label-free methods have been compared in a review article (Zhou JY, Hanfelt J, Peng J. Clinical proteomics in neurodegenerative diseases. Proteomics Clin Appl. 2007;1:1342-50).

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Our sample processing goes through different phases, such as wet lab, mass spectrometry, data analysis, etc. We will keep you posted at each stage. Total time required depends on the machine used and our queue.

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