Microscopes in Health Sciences Research Buildings I, II
Zeiss AxioScan 7 | upright widefield slide scanner | HSRBII
- Upright widefield slide scanner
- 7 wavelength Colibri LED light source (385, 430, 475, 511, 555, 590, 630, 735nm)
- Color and monochrome cameras for brightfield, TIE contrast, and fluorescent imaging
- Automated sample detection and imaging

BioTek Lionheart LX | inverted widefield | HSRB I
- Automated widefield imaging system
- Six filtercubes: DAPI, CFP, GFP, YFP, Texas Red, Cy5
- Fluorescence, bright field, color bright field, phase
- Reads slides, dishes, and 6 - 1536 well plates

Leica STELLARIS 8 | inverted confocal | HSRB II
- Point scanning inverted confocal
- Galvano and resonant scanners
- 5 detectors: 3 Power HyD-S and 2 Power HyD-X
- Tokai Hit stage top incubator for CO2 and temperature control
- Whitlight lasers, 440-790
- Navigator software for tiling
- TauSense for FLIM
- LIGHTNING for optimal extraction of image details and maximum resolution
- Software option includes Aivia
Leica Thunder | inverted wide field | HSRB II
- fully motorized DMi8 microscope
- highly sensitive K8 camera
- multi-line, high-intensity fluorescence LED light source
- Live cell imaging with a Tokai Hit stage top incubator
- Computational clearing to minimize out of focus blur
Miltenyi Blaze LFOV Lightsheet |HSRB II
Super resolution achieved through the clearing of tissue, organs or small animals allowing for complete 3D mapping at single cell resolution.
Nikon SoRa Spinning Disk | inverted | HSRB I
- Fast and gentle spinning disk confocal
- two disks, one for confocal, one for super resolution
- easy switch between the two disks
- Four laser lines [nm]: 385, 475, 550, and 621
- Z-stacks, timelapse, multi-point imaging, tiling
- Live-cell imaging with stage top incubator